Friday 26 June 2015

Random Friday Writing.

I was walking home from school  until I found a magical looking place. I walked closer and closer .The snow was as white a vanialla Icecream. The place seemed mystical like no one has came here for years.  The sky was blue and the clouds  were dancing along the sky. They were as orange as carrots.   The beautiful sunset shone threw the trees. I walked more and more . The tress looked like a gate closing over eachother.  I leant agasnist a tree . It started getting winding that I could hear the trees whispering. The sky looked like the deep dark ocean.

 It started getting chilly . I felt like a popsicle because I was so cold. I could taste the cold air in my mouth. Every time I took a footstep I could hear the snow crunching. The sun was smiling and it was so bright. The sun shone brighter and brighter everytime I took a footstep. It looked like it was the happiest it had ever been.  The smooth snow was super icy and  as slipery as soap. 

It felt like i was icy skating. I thought I was imaging  but I wasn't. I said to myself" I will never forget this place again". 


  1. Hi Mya
    Nice writing chicky. I like the descriptions.
    From Emma's Mum :-) Julie

  2. Hi Mya
    How did you find the same picture?
    I looked for a long time and i still didd'nt find it and that is some great describing words you have a few mistakes in it but otherwise it is a great piece of writing.

  3. Hi Mya
    Wow that's really good!!!
    Its cool that you find the right picture for the writing.
    What is your favorite thing about your writing?


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