Monday 19 October 2015

Main Stars Celebrating Christmas in Spain

Celebrating Christmas in Spain .
Most people in Spain go to midnight Massor ' La misa del Gallo which is the mast of rooster .It is called this because a rooster is suppose to have crowded the night that Jesus was born . Most families eat their main Christmas Eve before the service . The traditional Spain Christmas dinner is lava trufaclo de navidad which is Turkey stuffed with truffles which is the mushrooms not the chocolate ones . In Galicia a (religion north west Spain surrounded by water ) is the most popular meal for Christmas Eve and for Christmas Day is seafood . This can be all kinds of different seafood from the shellfish and molluscs , to lobsters and small edible crabs . After midnight service people walk through the streets carrying torches , playing guitars and beating on fanbourines and drums . One Spanish saying is esta noche Es no che Buena y no Es no che de dormir , which means tonight is a good night and it is not meant for sleeping .
I choose this country because in my family we have a bit of Spanish .
Thanks for reading .

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