Friday 14 September 2018

Is Recycling Essintal?

This week we had to write an argument . Our topic was if we thought Recycling was essintal. I agreed with this statement . Here is my piece of writting.

Is Recycling Essential?

I firmly believe that recycling is essential. How would you feel if you were one of the people polluting the environment by not reducing, reusing and recycling? Recycling helps the environment by making our waters not so polluted, helping us preserve our resources and keeping us from not littering.

Did you know our Pacific Ocean has a Great big Garbage Patch three times the size of France! They say that this patch has up to 79,000 tons of discarded plastic. Plastic is polluting our environment every day. It causes harm to every living thing on this planet. Big boats such as cargo ships and cruise liners can dump 14 billion pounds of garbage into the ocean. Our sea life are dying because of it. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are being killed by this pollution. Recycling will help solve this problem. If you were making your lunch for school would you put your sandwich in a reusable container or wrap it in glad wrap?

Plastic and other materials can harm our environment. If we don’t try and reuse our resources that we use on a day to day basis we are making pollution. On average we only recycle one plastic bag out of 200. Worldwide we use 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags a year. That comes out to over 1 million per minute. Us New Zealanders are already trying to help this problem by banning single use plastic bags. Recycling plastic bags will make a great difference to our pollution. Plastic bags can also fly away or be dropped that can cause littering.

Littering is a piece of rubbish that has been disposed improperly. Littering means leaving rubbish on the ground instead of putting it in trash container or recycling  bin. Would you believe that 11.5 billion dollars is spent on cleaning up litter every year. 50 percent of that litter is mostly cigarette butts and 33 percent of the litter is fast food. The average amount of steps before a person litters is only twelve paces. Instead of those twelve paces making litter turn them into twelve paces of recycling. Littering can also affect humans and animals. When the litter is in drains or gutters it can clog the storm water and cause flooding.

As you can see recycling definitely is essential as it helps us  and our environment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mya it's Jennae.I like how you argued this topic well and hooked me in to it, but you need to fix up the writing across the page.

    Kai Pai


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.